Conference Program

Friday May 6, 2016 – 9:30am-6:30pm

28 Hillhouse Ave, Room 106

Hosted by the Economic History Program

9:30am NOEL LENSKI / JOE MANNING (Yale) - Opening Remarks

10:00am HARVEY WEISS (Yale) - Quantifying mega drought, collapse, and resilience: an archaeological perspective

11:00am CHRISTELLE FISCHER-BOVET (USC) - Assessing incomes in Hellenistic Egypt

12:00pm LUNCH

1:00pm JUSTIN LEIDWANGER (Stanford) – Time-capsules and bar graphs: working with shipwreck data for the Roman maritime Economy

2:00pm KYLE HARPER (Oklahoma) - Quantifying the impact of epidemic mortality in the Roman Empire: Evidence and Epidemiological Boundaries”

3:00pm GILLES BRANSBOURG (ANS / ISAW) - How fourth-century CE papyrological and numismatic dataset-convergence reveals a major coinage reform Roman authorities were smart never to mention

4:00pm COFFEE

4:30pm MICHAEL McCORMICK (Harvard) - Exploring a new dataset from late antiquity

5:30pm CHRISTOPHER LOVELUCK (Nottingham / Harvard) - Networks, numbers and macro-societal trends: archaeological approaches to modelling social and economic change in western Europe, c. AD 500-1100