For students
The Economic Growth Center engages with students across the university to help foster a community of intellectual engagement and applied learning around issues of international development, economic growth and policy impact.
EGC hosts a variety of events for students, faculty and others in the Yale economics community. To learn more, visit our events page or subscribe to our mailing list.

EGC supports PhD students in the economics department focused on international development through stipends and research grants.
EGC hosts the International and Development Economics (IDE) Masters program and offers a variety of opportunities for IDE students to engage with the rest of the EGC community, from funded research assistant opportunities with EGC faculty affiliates to development teas to engage in more informal conversations with faculty and staff.

The Salus Populi Foundation at Yale’s mission is to offer undergraduates an avenue to engage with Yale’s development-economics faculty and research programs. By bringing together undergraduates, faculty, and policy practitioners under a collaborative, multidisciplinary framework, SPF hopes to research, debate, and devise innovative solutions to pressing problems in international economic, social, and political development.

EGC hires student interns directly to assist in research and communications. If you are interested, please email your resume with a statement of interest to or visit the link below. Faculty at EGC host undergraduate research assistants through the Tobin Research Assistantship.

EGC Faculty teach a number of courses at Yale in development economics at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.