Support EGC's Work
Join us in the effort to provide a rich resource base for the community at Yale engaged in research and teaching on economic development and trade.

Creating opportunity, advancing development
EGC’s mission is to enable the Yale development economics community to maximize its contributions and impact. EGC has demonstrated how relatively small strategically targeted investments can have high yields for faculty research, student learning and policy engagement. We continually seek to identify and build linkages with like-minded entities across the University to further the impact of these investments. We have been working to identify where the unique strengths of Yale faculty have the potential to push the frontiers of scholarship and understanding in international economic development through investing in something bigger. We are continually expanding our offering of hands-on learning opportunities for students, who are the leaders of the next generation. Through all these efforts, we aim to enable the talents of Yale’s faculty and students to be best harnessed to help solve some of the most pressing global challenges in international development.
… EGC affiliates are grappling with questions about how the gains of economic growth are to be distributed in coming years, and why institutions intended for equal distribution still permit the concentration of economic and political power in the hands of the few. Our affiliates are analyzing changing patterns of structural transformation and, in the process, highlighting the value of a well-designed regulatory system. They are exposing the economic costs of inadequately regulated environmental hazards, and analyzing migration as a conduit for improving economic well-being — and the role of institutions in enabling this — both in today’s world and over history. They are researching how poverty is transferred from one generation to the next, and testing interventions that can break that cycle. And they are responding directly to the crises of today by designing ways to reduce risk — from coronavirus transmission to harmful emissions — through small-scale interventions and national-level policies.
– Rohini Pande, Henry J. Heinz II Professor of Economics and Director of EGC, Yale
Excerpt from the Letter from the Director, EGC Annual Report 2021
The Economic Growth Center exists to support research and teaching at Yale on challenges facing lower-income countries. We invite you to join us in the effort to enable the Yale development economics community to reach its full potential.
Ways to Give
There are several options for how to contribute to EGC's work. To discuss your gift in more detail, please contact Deanna Ford, EGC Senior Adviser, at
One-time Spendable Gifts
Donations to the EGC Gift Fund are used right away to invest in high priority EGC initiatives.
Annual Giving
Annual giving to the EGC Gift Fund allows for a sustained channel of support to enable newer initiatives to find their runway for longer term sustainability.
Matching Gifts
If you work for a company that will match your gift, you can double the impact of your philanthropy. Check the database to see if your company matches employee charitable contributions.
Endowed Gifts
Endowed gifts provide a permanent, secure annual income stream for designated programs. These gifts are invested by the university, and the income from the gift is directed toward an enduring purpose by the donor. Only the income from the principal is expended so the gift continues in perpetuity. Many people choose to make this generous gift to create a legacy in honor of a loved one.
We are happy to help you create a gift that aligns with your philanthropic interests and supports EGC and university priorities.
How to Give
To support the Economic Growth Center, please contribute to the Economic Growth Center Fund by sending check payable to Yale University to the address below with "Econ Growth Center" and the designation number 02518 in the memo line:
Yale University Office of Development Contribution Processing
P.O. Box 2038
New Haven, CT 06521-2038
Or to make a donation online:
- Visit the For Humanity: The Yale Campaign website
- Select "Strategic Initiatives", "Other", and then "Continue"
- Enter "Economic Growth Center (designation number 02518)" when asked to specify area of support
For questions or other donation options, please contact Deanna Ford, EGC Senior Adviser, at