Explore Season 2 of the podcast

Inequality in Latin America: Marcela Eslava, Santiago Levy, and Ana de la O on a shared vision for research and action

The sixth episode of season 2 features Marcela Eslava, Santiago Levy, and Ana de la O on how research can help Latin American policymakers combat inequality.

Why women in India are dropping out of the workforce: Farzana Afridi and Kanika Mahajan on their research on gender and labor markets

The fifth episode of season 2 features Farzana Afridi, Professor of Economics at the Indian Statistical Institute in Delhi, India, and Kanika Mahajan, Associate Professor of Economics at Ashoka University in Sonepat, India, on understanding and overcoming the barriers to women’s labor market participation in India.

Building In-Country Partnerships in Development Economics: Chris Udry, Francis Annan, and Rohini Pande share insights from Ghana and Beyond

The fourth episode of season 2 features Christopher Udry, Robert E. and Emily King Professor of Economics at Northwestern University, Francis Annan, Assistant Professor of Economics at the UC, Berkeley, and Rohini Pande, Henry J. Heinz II Professor of Economics, discussing ways to bolster in-country partnerships for actionable research.

Digital Inclusion & Economic Development: Conversations with Pramod Varma, Alix Zwane, and Rohini Pande

The third episode of season 2 discusses digital public infrastructure and inclusive growth with Pramod Varma, the Chief Architect of Aadhaar, India's digital identity program, Alix Zwane, Senior Fellow at the Yale Jackson School and chief executive officer of the Global Innovation Fund, and Rohini Pande, Henry J. Heinz II Professor of Economics and Director of EGC.

Supporting Farmers on the Frontlines of the Climate Crisis: Kelsey Jack on Technology Adoption for Climate Adaptation

The second episode of Season 2 features Kelsey Jack of the University of California, Santa Barabara discussing climate adaptation methods in Niger.

Navigating trade-offs between the environment and economic growth: Nicholas Ryan on new possibilities for environmental regulation in emerging markets

Episode 1 features Nick Ryan of Yale University discussing the challenges low- and middle-income countries face in achieving environmentally sustainable economic growth.

Explore Season 1 of the podcast

Unraveling the impact of harmful social norms on development: Eliana La Ferrara, Samuel Moyn, and Rohini Pande on addressing hidden barriers to progress

Episode 8 is a Yale Development Dialogue featuring Eliana La Ferrara, Professor of Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School; Samuel Moyn, Chancellor Kent Professor of Law and History at Yale; and Rohini Pande, Henry J. Heinz II Professor of Economics and Director of the EGC discussing the effects of social norms – especially those that are long-entrenched and harmful to certain groups or individuals – on the economic, social, and legal dimensions of development.

Demystifying the effects of systemic injustice: Gerald Jaynes on using mixed methods to study race-based economic inequality

Episode 7 features Gerald Jaynes of Yale University discussing his research on race-based economic inequality.

Breaking intergenerational cycles of deprivation and poverty: Orazio Attanasio and Costas Meghir on the transformative impact of early childhood interventions

Episode 6 features Orazio Attanasio and Costas Meghir of Yale University discussing an economic perspective on the role of childhood interventions in improving life outcomes.

Unpacking the complexities of labor market dynamics: Kevin Donovan on constraints to firm growth in low- and middle-income countries

Episode 5 features Kevin Donovan of Yale University discussing his research on growth transitions, labor market dynamics, and constraints to firm growth.

Celebrating 73 years of the Indian constitution: Rohit De, Barkha Dutt, and Rohini Pande on the constitution’s history and role in women’s empowerment in India

Episode 4 is a Yale Development Dialogue featuring Rohit De, Associate Professor of History at Yale University, Barkha Dutt, the award-winning broadcast journalist and anchor, and Rohini Pande, Henry J. Heinz II Professor of Economics and Director of the EGC discussing the history of India’s constitution and its role in the evolution of women’s empowerment and gender equality in India.

Transforming the future of agricultural markets: Prof. Lauren Falcao Bergquist on using technology to combat food insecurity in East Africa

Episode 3 features EGC affiliate Lauren Falcao Bergquist discussing her research on food security and agricultural markets.

Understanding the backlash to globalization: Prof. Penny Goldberg on the complicated relationship between international trade, poverty reduction, and inequality

Episode 2 features EGC affiliate Penny Goldberg on the complexities of international trade, poverty reduction, and inequality.

Training the Next Generation of African Economists: Prof. Leonard Wantchekon on the university he founded

Episode 1 features Prof. Leonard Wantchekon of Princeton University on founding the African School of Economics.