The North East Universities Development Consortium (NEUDC) 2022 Conference
EGC hosted NEUDC 2022 in person on November 5-6, 2022. This conference is a major forum in development economics, held annually since 1967.
NEUDC 2022 Conference

Photo by Mohammad Rakibul Hasan
The North East Universities Development Consortium (NEUDC) annual conference was held in-person and hosted by the Economic Growth Center at Yale University in New Haven, CT. Sessions ran all day Saturday, November 5, and Sunday morning, November 6.
NEUDC has organized annual conferences in development economics since 1967. The location and sponsorship of the annual NEUDC conference usually rotates among the organizing institutions: Boston University, Brown University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, MIT, Northwestern University, Tufts University, Williams College, and Yale.
Conference registration opened on July 1, 2022 at this link - NEUDC 2022 ( Early registration for general faculty and business was $200. Early discounted registration was $120, which was applicable to all students, all post-docs, residents of low- and lower-middle-income countries (LMICs), and faculty at community colleges and historically Black colleges and universities. The early registration discount ended at 8am on Tuesday, October 11, 2022, after which registration was $250 for faculty or business and $150 for individuals in discounted categories. Registration fees will not be refunded after October 11, except upon a positive Covid test. The registration fee will include breakfast, lunch, coffee/tea, and dinner on Saturday, and breakfast and coffee/tea on Sunday.
Travel grant opportunity: J-PAL’s Governance Initiative (GI), which funds randomized evaluations of strategies to improve governance, is now offering Conference Travel Grants to support the participation of researchers from low- and middle-income countries at leading economics conferences. Up to two successful applicants will be fully funded to attend the NEUDC 2022 Conference. Researchers have until September 5, 2022 to apply and must submit a letter of support from a J-PAL affiliate or GI invited researcher with their application. Find more information on how to apply here. For any questions, please reach out to
Covid-19 Protocols: All staff, students and guests of Yale must be vaccinated and boosted (if eligible) for COVID 19 and follow all of Yale’s guidelines, which can be found under Events, Gatherings & Meetings | COVID-19 Information (
The EGC is committed to creating a diverse, inclusive space where participants of all identities and from all backgrounds feel welcomed, supported, and encouraged to engage in the free and open exchange of ideas without expectation of discrimination or harassment. Conference participants were expected to uphold these values of mutual respect in all their interactions during the conference. If you experienced or witnessed harassment of any kind, please contact Yale's SHARE Center or contact us directly. You can also pursue reporting channels at your own institution.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at
The Call for Papers is now closed
From June 15 to Aug 15, 2022, EGC welcomed submissions of papers that investigate topics in economic development broadly defined. Submitters were notified of decisions on September 27th, and the program is available at this link.
Read the conference program.

Conference Program
Saturday, November 5th |
Activity |
Track A Trade, Firms |
Track B: Education, Behavior |
Track C: Gender, Labor |
Track D: Political Economy |
Track E: Environment, Agriculture, Macro |
Track F: Finance, Health |
8:00-8:30 | Breakfast, Yale Watson Center | ||||||
8:30-10:10 | Block 1 | T1 Intranational Trade Chair: Amit Khandelwal Trade see also A2 |
L1 Labor Market Institutions Chair: Melanie Khamis |
PE2 Corruption Chair: Saad Gulzar |
A2 Agricultural Trade Chair: Kyle Emerick |
H2 Health Policy Evaluations Chair: John Hoddinott |
10:10-10:30 | Break | ||||||
10:30-12:10 | Block 2 | T2 Trade Policy Infrastructure Chair: Daniel Bjorkegren |
ED1 Learning and Parental Involvement Chair: Owen Ozier |
L2 Labor Market Networks Chair: Nancy Chau |
EE2 Natural Resources Chair: Mushfiq Mobarak |
A1 Agricultural Technology Chair: Chris Udry Environment see EE2 |
H1 Early Life Circumstances and Health Chair: Andrew Foster |
12:10-1:10 | Lunch | ||||||
1:10-2:50 | Block 3 | T3 Spatial Disparities Chair: Brian McCaig |
ED2 What Impacts Education Decisions? Chair: Valentina Martinez-Pabon |
L3 Migration Chair: Emily Beam |
PE5 Culture and the State Chair: Diego Ramos-Toro |
EE1 Electricity Supply Nicholas Ryan |
FIN2 Microfinance Chair: Rohini Pande |
2:50-3:10 | Break | ||||||
3:10-4:50 | Block 4 | G1 Gender Roles Chair: Pinar Keskin |
ED3 Education Policy Chair: Chris Neilson Education see also L4 |
L4 Education and Labor Chair: Robert Garlick Gender see G1 |
PE4 Conflict and the State Chair: Sabyasachi Das |
EE3 Environmental Damages Chair: Nidhiya Menon |
FIN1 Risk Chair: Silvia Prina Health see EE3 |
5:00-6:00 | Plenary, Yale School of Management (SOM) Zhang Auditorium | ||||||
6:00-8:00 | Dinner, Greenberg Center and the Old Refectory at Yale Divinity School |
Saturday, November 5th |
Activity |
Track A Trade, Firms |
Track B: Education, Behavior |
Track C: Gender, Labor |
Track D: Political Economy |
Track E: Environment, Agriculture, Macro |
Track F: Finance, Health |
Breakfast, Yale Watson Center | |||||||
8:30-10:10 | Block 5 | F1 Supply Chains and Networks Chair: Gaurav Chiplunkar |
B1 Norms Transmission Chair: Pamela Jakiela |
G3 Intrahousehold Bargaining Chair: Charity Troyer Moore Labor see also M1 |
PE1 Bureaucracy Chair: Vincent Pons |
M1 Macroeconomics of Labor Markets Chair: Daniela Vidart |
H3 Health and Demand Chair: Antonella Bancalari |
10:10-10:30 | Break | ||||||
10:30-12:10 | Block 6 | F2 Retail Trade Chair: Lauren Bergquist |
B2 Goals and Preferences Chair: Nishith Prakash |
G2 Gender and Work Chair: Rossella Calvi |
PE3 Public Finance Chair: Rohini Pande |
M2 Growth Chair: Michael Peters |
P1 Poverty Chair: Ardina Hasanbasri Finance see PE3 |