New Perspectives in Ottoman Economic History
The Yale Program in Economic History will sponsor a mini-conference on Ottoman Economic History to be held at Yale University on November 9th and 10th, 2012. The conference will start after lunchtime on Friday and end at lunchtime Saturday. More specific times, as well as the conference location, will be announced as plans firm up.
The conference program is set. The conference will be open to the public. We will ask attendees to register so we can track numbers for coffee breaks, etc. We will post information about registration on relevant email lists and also at this site. Attendees who are not on the program are welcome for coffee breaks and the breakfast on Saturday, but will have to cover any other expenses themselves.
Conference format: The conference will be run “workshop” style. All papers will be available on this website approximately three weeks before the conference. The authors will not present their paper; instead, they will have 10 minutes to summarize their results. Rather than have a formal discussant, we will immediately open the discussion to all participants. The moderator’s role will be to keep the conversation running smoothly. We hope this format will promote a lively discussion from authors and other participants alike.
If you have questions about this event feel free to contact Lindsay DeFelippo ( for administrative matters, or either of the two co-organizers. Timothy Guinnane ( is the local organizer at Yale, and Seven Ağır ( is at METU.
Conference Program
Welcome and opening remarks: TIMOTHY GUINNANE (Yale University)
Friday Afternoon I:
Session 1 (1:00 – 2:30): Ottoman Economic History and Beyond
Moderator: TIMOTHY GUINNANE (Yale University)
KREVANÇ KARAMAN (Boğaziçi University) and ŞEVKET PAMUK (Boğaziçi University)
Ottoman Experience with Fiscal Centralization in European Perspective, 1500-1914
Empire or Empires?
Coffee Break
2:30 p.m.
Friday Afternoon II: Session 2 (3:00 – 4:30): Ottoman Legal Institutions as Obstacles to Growth
Moderator: ALAN MIKHAIL (Yale University)
TIMUR KURAN (Duke University)
Institutional Roots of Authoritarian Rule in the Middle East: The Waqf as Obstacle to Democratization
CIHAN ARTUNÇ (Yale University)
The Protégé System and Bera Merchants in the Ottoman Empire: The Price of Legal Jurisprudence
Saturday Morning I:
Continental Breakfast 8:00 a.m.
Session 3 (9:00 – 10:30): Ottoman Institutions of Wealth Distribution and Power
Moderator: FRANCESCA TRIVELLATO (Yale University)
HÜLYA CANBAKAL (Sabancı University)
Distribution of Wealth in the Ottoman Empire in the Early Modern Period
ALI YAYCIOĞLU (Stanford University)
Wealth, Power and Death: Capital Accumulation and Imperial Confiscations in the Ottoman Empire (1453-1839)
Coffee Break 10:30am
Saturday Morning II:
Session 4 (11:00 – 12:30): Courts and Businesses, 18th- and 19th-century
Moderator: NAOMI LAMOREAUX (Yale University)
METIN M. COŞGEL (University of Connecticut) and BOĞAÇ ERGENE (University of Vermont)
The Selection Bias in Ottoman Court Records: Settlement and Trial in Eighteenth Century Kastamonu
SEVEN AĞIR (Middle East Technical University)
Asset Ownership and Organizational Change in Ottoman Urban Businesses, 1750-1850