Event Details

Event Description

The Yale Economic Growth Center and the Tobin Center for Economic Policy at Yale University, in partnership with the Center for a New Economy (CNE) of Puerto Rico, hosted a conversation on Puerto Rico’s development opportunities and challenges. The talk, “Puerto Rico at a Crossroads and Lessons from Latin America”, featured Joseph E Stiglitz (Professor, Columbia University), Martín Guzman (former Minister of Economy of Argentina and Co-President of the Initiative for Policy Dialogue, Columbia University), Orazio Attanasio (EGC Affiliate and Cowles Professor of Economics, Yale University), and Raquel Fernández (Professor of Economics, New York University).

Jumpstarting the Puerto Rican economy and charting a sustainable path forward will require that a combination of effective programs, policies, and investments be devised and deployed. Since 2016, the Center for a New Economy (CNE) has devoted considerable energies and resources to design and execute a series of initiatives aimed at defining an industrial policy for Puerto Rico.

Cover image: farmers at a coffee and plantain farm in Puerto Rico. Photo by Holly Mazour, Shutterstock.