Zvi Griliches, Harvard University
This annual event honors Simon Kuznets, the famous Belarusian-American economist who helped establish the Yale Economic Growth Center in 1961.
Zvi Griliches

Hirsh Zvi Griliches was a Lithuanian-born economist at Harvard University. He was a member of Harvard’s economics faculty from 1969, and served at the time of his death as the Paul M. Warburg Professor of Economics. Griliches was one of the most influential empirical economists that the profession has ever had, and a scholar whose life and career touched many fields of economics and spawned generations of devoted students.
The works by Zvi Griliches mostly concerned the economics of technological change, including empirical studies of diffusion of innovations and the role of R & D, patents, and education. In 2023 he had 126 publications listed in Web of Science and a Hirsch index of 49, which places him into 2% of most productive economics professors in the USA.