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Diversity and Ideas

Economic History Conference at Yale

Diversity and Ideas: Economic History Conference at Yale highlights current work on populations that have long been understudied either because of data constraints or methodological ones. Studying marginalized populations fosters the emergence of new insights into history as well as the potential to promote diversity and inclusion in the future.  

The conference is co-organized by Shari Eli, University of Toronto ( and Maggie E. C. Jones, University of Victoria (

 Please register if you plan to attend. Registration is limited to Yale faculty and affiliated faculty, postdocs, graduate students, conference authors and co-authors. 

Please note all times are in Eastern Standard Time (EST). 

Presenters are in bold type.

Friday, September 24

1:00 – 1:10pm: Welcome

1:10 – 2:00pm: Session 1 | Carolyn Moehling, Gregory Niemesh and Melissa Thomasson: “Shut Down and Shut Out: Women Physicians in the Era of Medical Education Reform

2:00 – 2:50pm: Session 2 | Carl Kitchens and Luke P. Rodgers: “The Impact of the WWI Agricultural Boom and Bust on Female Opportunity Cost and Fertility

2:50 – 3:10pm: Break

3:10 – 4:00pm: Session 3 | Ann Carlos, Donna Feir and Angela Redish:  “Indigenous Nations and the Development of the US Economy: Land, Resources and Dispossession

4:00 – 4:50pm: Session 4 Taylor Jaworski and Ian Keay: “Globalization and the Spread of Industrialization in Canada, 1871 to 1891

Saturday, September 25

1:00pm – 1:50pm: Session 5 | Ellora Derenoncourt, Chi Hyun Kim, Moritz Kuhn, Moritz Schularick: “The Racial Wealth Gap, 1860-2020”

1:50 – 2:40pm: Session 6 John Majewski: “Creative Capacity in a Slave Economy

2:40 – 3:00pm: Break

3:00 – 3:50pm: Session 7 Hoyt Bleakley and Paul Rhode: “The Economic Effects of American Slavery, Redux” [Appendix A]

3:40 – 4:40pm: Session 8 Robynn Cox, Jamein Cunningham, and Alberto Ortega: “The Impact of Affirmative Action Litigation on Police Killings of Civilians" (A shorter version of this paper will be distributed to conference registrants.) 

4:40pm: Closing Remarks