Russian, Soviet, and Post-Soviet Economic History: New Frontiers
A conference sponsored by the Yale University Program in Economic History
The conference will take place at Yale University, on the afternoon of November 1st and on November 2nd. The conference is open to the public, and all are welcome to attend, regardless of institutional or departmental affiliation. Papers are password protected; please contact the authors directly for more information.
Conference organizers: STEVEN NAFZIGER (Williams College), TRACY DENNISON (Caltech)
Local arrangements: TIMOTHY GUINNANE (Yale University)
Program for Conference Russian, Soviet, and Post-Soviet Economic History: New Frontiers Yale University, Program in Economic History
Each presenter will have 10 minutes to make some remarks, which will then be followed by approximately 35 minutes of questions, comments, and discussion. As such, all attendees are expected to have read the papers. There will be no formal discussants. Additional papers by attendees that cannot be included on the program due to space constraints will be made available on the conference’s web site, and participants are encouraged to read them and respond directly to the authors at the conference and afterwards.
Day 1: Friday, November 1, 2013
1:50pm: Welcoming Remarks
2:00 - 3:30pm: Session 1: Tsarist Russia
Session Chairperson: PAUL BUSHKOVITCH
KELLY O’NEILL (Harvard University)
Small Ports and Unruly Rivers: Towards a Spatial History of the (Imperial) Russian Economy
EKATERINA PRAVILOVA (Princeton University)
Unlocking Hidden Resources: Property and Economy in Late Imperial Russia
3:30 – 4:00pm: Coffee break
4:00 – 5:30pm: Session 2: Serfdom and Emancipation
Session Chairperson: TIMOTHY GUINNANE
STEVEN NAFZIGER (Williams College)
Bargaining, Buying In, and Opting Out: New Evidence on Russian Serf Emancipation and Land Reform
SCOTT GEHLBACH (University of Wisconsin) and EVGENY FINKEL (George Washington University)
Does Reform Prevent Rebellion? Evidence from Russia’s Emancipation of the Serfs
7:00pm: Dinner (invitation only)
Day 2: Saturday, November 2, 2013
9:00 - 10:30am: Session 3: Industrialization and Development in Tsarist Russia
Session Chairperson: STEVEN NAFZiGER
ANDREI MARKEVICH (New Economic School, Moscow)
Economic Development of the Russian Empire in a Regional Perspective
AMANDA GREGG (Yale University)
Factory Productivity and the Concession System of Incorporation in Late Imperial Russia
10:30 - 10:45am: Coffee break
10:45 – 12:15pm: Session 4: The Revolutionary Era
Session Chairperson: ERIKA MONAHAN
HASSAN MALIK (European University Institute)
The Inter-Revolutionary Recovery and Rally
MARTIN KRAGH (Stockholm School of Economics)
Expropriation in the Russian Revolution: The Case of Swedish Firms and Households
12:15 – 1:30pm: Lunch (at conference venue)
1:30 – 3:00pm: Session 5: The Soviet Economy and the Recent Past
Session Chairperson: TRACY DENNISON
MARK HARRISON (University of Warwick)
Counterintelligence in a Command Economy (with Inga Zaksauskiene)
KATHRYN HENDLEY (University of Wisconsin)
Bargaining with Strangers: Explaining the Behavior of Russians in the Aftermath of Auto Accidents
Additional Invited Attendees:
LEONID BORODKIN (Higher School of Economics and Moscow State University)
ERIKA MONAHAN (University of New Mexico)
THOMAS OWENS (The Davis Center, Harvard)
Other Research of Conference Participants:
Soviet Fordism in Practice: Building and Operating the Soviet River Rouge, 1927-1945
Measuring Business Cycles in the Russian Empire
For Profit and Tsar: Commerce in Early Modern Russia