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Articles on EGC History

EGC was the first development research center in a major US university to focus on using quantitative methods to understand economic development.

Documenting the rich history of the EGC

The International and Foreign Economic Administration (IFEA) program and the roots of EGC

The EGC Spring 2021 Quarterly Newsletter recounts the 1951 origins of the IFEA program – a precursor to today’s International and Development Economics (IDE) masters program – and how it paved the way for the EGC.

Bacha and classmate
The founding of EGC, and the Country Studies Program

In the decade following EGC's founding in 1961, a group of young economists sought to understand the determinants of growth by visiting and analyzing developing countries.

A black and white photo depicting scholars engaged in a discussion
Pioneering women at EGC and Yale Economics

The outstanding lives and careers of women who helped found EGC and demanded greater equality in the profession – profiled in a series by Lisa Qian '20, former EGC Communications Intern.

Image of Laurie Marianne along with other Yale economics PhDs
Latin American economists at EGC in the 1960s and 70s

Prominent Latin American economists – some having been forced out of their positions in their home countries by repressive regimes – found an intellectual home at EGC in the 60s and 70s. A series of articles by EGC Communications Interns Lisa Qian and Aiden Lee tells their stories.

Diaz Alejandro
Photo courtesy Edmar Bacha